Before and 2 months after scar revision and treatment of face front view Scar revision and treatment: Before and 2 months after excision revision of scar and topical creams with AHA Face Cream and Pigment Formula Before and after scar treatment including Scar treatment with microdermabrasion, nonablative lasers and Microneedling RFRF Before and 6 months after multiple scar treatments including microdermabrasion, nonablative lasers and microneedling RF. Scar Revision after Mohs Surgery for Skin Cancer Procedure: Before and 6 months after nonablative scar reduction and topical Dr Michelle Copeland Skin Care post Moh's surgery for skin cancer. Before and 9 months after Scar Revision with Nonablative Lasers and Microneedling RF. Procedure: Before and 9 months after scar revision and nonablative lasers with Microneedling RF. Procedure: Laser Treatment. Before and six months after non-surgical laser ablation of lip hemangioma. *Results may vary. Procedure: Scar revision. Reconstruction of Moh's defect after removal of nasal skin cancer. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed. Procedure: Scar revision. Before and after scar revision and reconstructive surgery. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed. Procedure: Scar revision. 26 year old before and 6 months after scar revision and reconstructive surgery. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed. Procedure: Mole removal. Only five weeks after mole removal from cheek and side of nose and the patient is healing well. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed.