Breast Augmentation with implants is a cosmetic procedure that increases or replaces lost volume in a woman’s bosom using saline or silicone implants. Women can choose to get implants to accentuate their aesthetics, improve how clothes fit, or improve their self-esteem. The practice of Dr. Michelle Copeland and Dr. Libby Copeland-Halperin offers breast augmentation for all patients looking to rejuvenate their bosoms. To learn more about breast augmentation with implants, please continue reading below.
As women, we are incredibly aware of the appearance of our breasts. Breasts are sexual and sensual and they can dictate our own sense of attractiveness and desirability, and also impact our mental well-being and confidence. Women desire changes to the appearance of their breasts for many reasons, including because of the size, asymmetry, cancer, congenital anomalies, shape, or droopiness.
Today, we have so many techniques to help patients reach their goals. Dr. Copeland and Dr. Copeland-Halperin specialize in minimal-scar techniques for breast surgery that can be performed as an outpatient under twilight anesthesia. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed.
One of the most popular types of cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation with either saline or silicone implants, provides a very natural look. Saline implants allow minimal incision breast augmentation; the scars are virtually invisible. Certain implants are adjustable following insertion, enabling fine-tuning of the look and feel. Implants can be placed either under the muscle or under the breast and through incisions placed in the armpit, around the areola, in the breast fold, or even through the belly button. In some cases, a breast lift or fat transfer will be combined with Breast Augmentation. As with all cosmetic surgery, the practice of Dr. Michelle Copeland and Dr. Libby Copeland-Halperin works closely with you to determine the ideal size, shape, placement, and location of the implant.
There are various considerations for patients considering breast augmentation. They must choose the type of implant, the size, the implant placement technique, and even the incision placement technique they prefer.
You can choose between saline implants (filled with sterile salt water) or silicone-filled implants. These implants are available in a variety of sizes. Implants can be inserted through different incisions. Saline implants require only a small incision, often less than an inch long, which can be well concealed beneath the breast, while some women prefer the “feel” of silicone implants. The most natural breast appearance requires selecting just the right implants based on your characteristics.
Patients need to choose their implant size, which varies from small, medium, and large to very large. It is important to remember that a bigger size isn’t always the best choice for everyone’s profile. Your surgeon will present varying cup sizes during the consultation to help you arrive at a decision.
There are three common implant placements: behind the breast tissue (known as sub-glandular), behind the breast fascia (known as sub-fascial), or behind the pectoralis chest muscles (known as sub-muscular). Most augmentation is sub-muscular, as it reduces the chances of implant visibility, scar tissue, and infection.
Inframammary: This incision conceals the incision within the fold of your breast and avoids the mammary glands, minimizing the chance of infection and breast hardening.
Periareolar: This is often selected by women with small breasts who do not have under-breast folds. The incision is hidden within the areola, though it can lead to issues with nipple sensation, scar widening, and complexities during breastfeeding.
Trans-axillary: This approach hides the scars in the armpits, where they are sometimes almost invisible, but it is the dirtiest entry point and generates the highest rate of capsular contracture.
Trans-umbilical breast augmentation (TUBA): This method involves making an incision through the belly button. Patients who are getting tummy tucks at the same time may opt for this incision for a convenient combined procedure.
Patients who have received a breast augmentation in New York City at the practice of Dr. Michelle Copeland and Dr. Libby Copeland-Halperin have enjoyed long-lasting results and a boost in their self-confidence. Other benefits are listed below:
An ideal candidate for breast augmentation in the greater New York area has some of these characteristics:
Breast augmentation should only be considered after a patient’s breasts have fully developed.
Your Breast Augmentation Surgery journey
The first step to getting a breast augmentation in New York City is to schedule a consultation at the practice of Dr. Michelle Copeland and Dr. Libby Copeland-Halperin.
During your consultation, your personal surgeon will ask you questions about your health history and your desire to get a breast augmentation. They will consider your frame and body proportions when determining your desired implant size. This is the best setting to discuss your concerns and obtain informed answers to your questions
Several options may be available after a clinical examination and a discussion of your needs. Computer imaging can help you anticipate the outcome of this type of surgery, including helping with decisions on implant type, size, placement, and incision placement.
Once you decide to move forward, they will draft your surgical plan, and our expert team will provide a detailed, written quote, discuss scheduling, and review pre-operative instructions.
On the day of your breast augmentation surgery at the practice of Dr. Michelle Copeland and Dr. Libby Copeland-Halperin, our friendly staff will welcome you to the practice, get you settled in the surgical suite, and review your surgical plan in case of any last-minute questions and/or concerns. Finally, a board-certified anesthesiologist will administer twilight IV anesthesia in our fully accredited operating room.
Once you are sedated, the planned incision will be made, and the implant of choice will be inserted in the plane of choice. Your surgeon will take extra care to minimize scarring. Once the implant has been placed, she will close the incisions using layered sutures in the breast tissue to provide extra support for natural breast tissue and close the external breast skin incisions with absorbable sutures and bandages.
The operation should take about two hours, depending on the techniques used.
Your guide to post-breast augmentation Surgery care
After the surgery, you will be monitored in a recovery room until the effects of anesthesia wear off. Patients are recommended to have a family member or friend drive them home as anesthesia effects can sometimes last longer. Before leaving the recovery facility, you will be provided with some post-operative instructions and temporary prescription pain medication to make your breast augmentation recovery more tolerable.
After your surgery, we will have you return to the practice in approximately one week to monitor your recovery and remove any stitches and bandages. We include a post-operative lymphatic massage treatment to help reduce swelling and promote recovery. You can expect another appointment about a month or two later, followed by another one three months post-surgery, and again six months later. You may also have some photos taken at one of your final check-ups for a comparison photo.
Most patients return to work after two days. The speed of recovery is related to many factors, including the technique involved. Deeper implants, below the chest wall muscle, require longer recovery than superficial (above the muscle) implants. While light activity is encouraged soon after surgery, you’ll need to avoid more strenuous activity for a few weeks.
The cost of a Breast Augmentation in New York City will vary depending on numerous factors, including the size, shape, and type of breast implants, the surgical techniques used for the implant placement, and the incision. The best way to learn how much your procedure will be is to come in for your breast augmentation consultation with your surgeon so that you can arrive at a surgical plan, which the expert team can then use to arrive at a costing and pricing plan for you.
The practice of Dr. Michelle Copeland and Dr. Libby Copeland-Halperin should be your go-to for your breast augmentation in New York City as in addition to their medical accomplishments, they are known for their empathy and kindness towards their patients as they deliver their expertise in sculpting your aesthetics. Dr. Michelle Copeland is the first woman plastic surgeon with a Harvard doctorate in Medicine and Dentistry who has published numerous articles and presented her techniques internationally. She is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and an attending surgeon at the Mount Sinai Medical Center.
Dr. Libby Copeland-Halperin is a double board-certified plastic surgeon and has a wealth of experience, including advanced training in microsurgery at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital with a focus on breast reconstruction. She brings a humanistic dimension to plastic surgery and enjoys helping patients achieve their cosmetic, aesthetic, and reconstructive goals through a combination of surgical and non-surgical techniques. In addition to seeing patients at 1001 Fifth Avenue, Dr. Copeland-Halperin also operates at Lenox Hill Hospital and Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital, affiliates of Northwell Health, where she is involved in teaching residents.
Both doctors work with an international clientele, drawing patients from Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Whether it’s a virtual consultation or in person, they will answer all of your questions, including options, costs, recovery, and all aspects of treatment for surgical procedures such as breast augmentation, breast reduction, liposuction, and rhinoplasty, as well as non-surgical treatments like BOTOX®, Kybella®, fillers, and other non-invasive techniques.
Contact us
If you are interested in increasing or improving your breast size and shape, please contact the practice of Dr. Michelle Copeland and Dr. Libby Copeland-Halperin today! You can call us directly or use our website to fill out an appointment form, and a member of our team will contact you.